1st CAL A recommended books

As some of you asked me in class, here you are the recommended books for the first year:

England (Stage 1). Ed. Oxford.
Great Expectations (Starter A1). Ed. Black Cat – Vicens-Vives
One-Way Ticket (Stage 1). Ed. Oxford.
Sherlock Holmes: Two Plays (Stage 1). Ed. Oxford.
The Long Tunnel (Stage 2 - Beginner). Ed. Macmillan.
The Man in the Iron Mask (Stage 2 - Beginner). Ed. Macmillan.
The Secret of the Stones (Starter A1). Ed. Black Cat – Vicens-Vives.
This is London (Beginner). Ed. Macmillan.

I'm not sure if we will have time to work with any of them, but I'll inform you in the following weeks. See you later!
