4th CAL and the expression of this week is...


Meaning: to be very satisfied. 

Example: Winter time, a blanket, a sofa and a good film, and I am happy as a clam.

Origin: Clams like to lay in mud. Clam diggers are only able to catch clams at low tide. If the tide is high, the water is too deep to wade into and clams were safe (happy) from their hunters. The phrase was originally "Happy as a clam at high tide".

I'll try again, can you think of an example using this expression? The one in the example was created by me. Do you agree with me? See you soon!


  1. Of course I absolutly agree with you. I like those beatiful cloudy days when I haven't anything to do and I'm warm on my coach just leaving the time go.

    If you asked me for one example I would say...: A fine autumn day, a meeting with friends, playing cards, and I am happy as a clam. That's spanish people say "a BBV afternoon". I'm terrible sorry but I think this is an unstranslatable spanish pun. (BBV= Baraja, Brasero, Vino)

  2. I agree with you,I love the same things like you.
    My example is ; A cool day in Christmas,a meeting with my family,cooking cupcakes,smelling sweets,talking a lot, and I am happy as a clam.It is a good plan,isn´t it?


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