Exam info: 4th courses

Hi all of you!

now we can really say it's the final countdown... :( So here I go with one of the last posts. Your final test will be the same time and date for the two groups (4th CAL / D and semipresencial): Monday 5th June at 16:30 in room 12 (at the end of the corridor, on the left). This is the timetable of the written part:

                   16:30 - 17:45  Reading 
                   17:45 - 18:15 Listening 
                   18:15 - 18:30 Break
                   18:30 - 20:00 Writing 

The speaking test will be on Tuesday 6th in room 4 (our class). I will publish the speaking call in a different post later today. Good luck everyone!
